LEBANON, Ohio (September 23, 2020) – The Golf Heritage Society (GolfHeritage.org) announces the appointment of Michael D. Sloan as Treasurer of the Society and of Connor T. Lewis as the director of its Region 3, which covers the southeastern U.S.
“We are pleased to have these two accomplished individuals on our Board of Directors,” said Dr. Bern Bernacki, president of the Society. “Their experience and leadership, in both golf and business, will be invaluable as the GHS continues to expand its legacy in the game.”
Michael Sloan is senior partner of Sloan, Cartagena and Associates, a public accounting firm in Houston. Sloan has played golf since high school but wasn’t introduced to hickory golf until 2006. Playing with hickory-shafted golf clubs led to his interest in collecting golf memorabilia. Sloan has worked with the First Tee program for over 13 years and hosts a hickory tournament which benefits the First Tee of Greater Houston. He also formed the non-profit Hickory Golf Association of Texas and is tournament director of the Onion Creek Hickory Classic, held in Austin.

Connor Lewis is the national vice president of development for Ryan Healthcare, a builder of hospitals, surgery centers and other medical facilities. In the golf realm, he founded The Society of Golf Historians as well as The TalkinGolf History Podcast. Lewis is also the consulting historian for one of the most prestigious golf clubs in the U.S. Lewis shares stories and the history of the game with golfers in a variety of ways, including as a speaker and writer.
About the Golf Heritage Society
Now in its 50th year, the GHS is a global nonprofit organization that honors and preserves golf’s history. GHS membership benefits include:
· The Society’s long-running quarterly journal, The Golf, with compelling features, articles and special guest contributors.
· A website updated regularly with members-only resources, including an archive of past issues of The Golf, information on golf collecting, links to fraternal golf history societies and other features.
· A monthly newsletter with interesting golf history features, GHS updates and member news.

· Camaraderie with fellow members at local, regional, national golf outings and trade shows that offer the opportunity to buy and sell golf collectibles.
· The opportunity for online connectivity with GHS member authorities in numerous aspects of golf history and collecting.
The membership fee to join the GHS is just $25 for the remainder of 2020. New members who join by Sept. 30 will receive the fall issue of The Golf and the first-ever supplement celebrating the 90th anniversary of Bobby Jones' Grand Slam.
For information or to join the Golf Heritage Society, visit GolfHeritage.org or contact Pete Georgiady, executive director, at 567-303-5584 or pgeorgiady@golfheritage.org.
Media contact:
Sally J. Sportsman