PITTSBURGH, Pa. (March 13, 2021) – The Golf Heritage Society (GolfHeritage.org) announced the appointment of Brad Harvey to its Board of Directors. Harvey will serve as the Director of Region 8, which includes Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington.

“We are pleased to announce the addition of Brad Harvey to our Board of Directors,” said Dr. Bern Bernacki, president of the Society. “His deep knowledge of golf history and passion for all aspects of the game, including coaching, lend a valuable perspective to the Society.”
Harvey began playing golf at age three and amassing golf collectibles at age 10, already fascinated with the rich history of the game. He played high school and college golf, and worked in golf for many years, including as a high school coach. He currently is the junior camp coordinator at Meriwether National Golf Course, in Hillsboro, Ore. He enjoys repairing and restoring early golf clubs, and collecting a wide variety of golf artifacts. Harvey holds an associate degree in general education from Taft College, in Taft, Calif.

About the Golf Heritage Society
Founded in 1970, the GHS is a global nonprofit organization that honors and promotes golf’s history. The annual membership fee is $50.
For information or to join the GHS, visit GolfHeritage.org.
Media Contact:
Sally J. Sportsman