Industry News

Perfect Golf Event launches online auction site for event organizers

PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla.Perfect Golf Event (a Signature Group-affiliated company), today announces the launch of Perfect Silent Auction, an online auction site for event organizers. The platform offers organizers the ability to create an online auction in minutes featuring a wide range of locally sourced auction items and consignment items from the Perfect Silent Auction collection.

“We developed Perfect Silent Auction over several years based on intensive research and focus groups with event organizers,” says Perfect Golf Event Chief Operating Officer Paul Courter. “Their message to us was clear, ‘Make it easy for us to monitor and close out items with online payment processing.’ We are excited to make this technology available to help them execute their best-ever event.”

Perfect Silent Auction and Perfect Golf Event websites can be seamlessly integrated, creating a true one-stop shop for all tournament needs. Perfect Silent Auction technology is also incredibly easy to use: simply upload auction items donated for events and monitor the bidding in real-time. Bidders are updated instantly on auction activity and winning bidders can pay online.

The full-feature auction website includes: a standalone website with customizable tabs; online payment acceptance after a bid has been won including credit card processing; the option to accept donations online; the ability to add auction or consignment items from Perfect Silent Auction’s catalog; revenue and expense tracking; mobile bidding; email notifications to all bidders; links to social media platforms and more.

Adds Courter: “An online auction increases traffic to the golf event website setup through Perfect Golf Event. This is an effective way to promote sponsorships as their sponsor logos are viewed more often with additional website views.”

Online auctions allow event organizers to generate revenue prior to their event day. There is no limit to the items that can be added to Perfect Silent Auction sites, and new items can be added instantly as they are received. Additionally, the online bidding and payment process is ideal for maintaining social distancing, as events avoid tables full of auction items and long lines of winning bidders waiting to play.

For more information, visit

About Perfect Golf Event

Perfect Golf Event (PGE) is organized to help golf courses and golf event organizers have a more successful golf event and raise more money through technology, innovative formats and exciting fundraising contests. PGE assists groups looking to organize, manage and market a fundraising golf event, beginning with a free service and scaling up. Organizations benefit in three main areas: attracting more players, selling more sponsorships and ultimately raising more money. For golf courses, the benefits expand to generating more event revenue through the PGE partnership program.  For more information visit

Shane Sharp
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