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Golf icon Gary Player launches the Gary and Vivienne Player Foundation

Foundation dedicated to helping underprivileged and vulnerable children | Lifting children out of poverty.

Palm Beach, FL. – March 30, 2022 – One of global sports true legends, Gary Player, today announced the launch of The Gary and Vivienne Player Foundation (GVPF). Joined by a close group of friends, family and trustees, Player’s announcement of the newly formed 501(c)3 marks the latest chapter in his and his late wife Vivienne’s lifelong philanthropic efforts.

“I am delighted to announce the incorporation of The Gary & Vivienne Player Foundation- which will henceforth be the vehicle for all my charitable work outside of South Africa. Vivienne was always passionate about the plight of children throughout the world and, in her own quiet way, was devoted to lifting, loving, and supporting children who were in need. One of the ways I intend to honor Vivienne is through the mission of the Foundation- which will be focused on helping underprivileged and vulnerable children to have a safe and nurturing environment in which to thrive,” shared Player. “I am thrilled to continue with my prior efforts, over many decades, to raising funds to support organizations and causes that are doing vital work lifting children out of poverty, that desperately need financial fortification.”

One (1) in six (6) children live in poverty in the US and 30 % of all homeless people are children. The

Foundation will be a platform for Player to give back to the country that he appreciates for giving him so many opportunities. Three key areas that can positively impact childhood poverty are education, health and housing and will be the focus of the GVPF. Player known as the Black Knight, lost his mother at an early age, had to fight to overcome challenges and barriers to become a professional golfer. He had to work hard and seize every opportunity. One of his greatest joys is providing a helping hand to underprivileged children and providing them the opportunities they need to succeed and break the chains of intergenerational poverty.

Player has asked his daughter, Amanda-Leigh Hall to lead the Foundation. Amanda’s twenty plus (20+) years of experience helping displaced women and children equip her to realize the Foundation’s mission. “I am humbled and honored to continue my parents work of making a difference in so many children’s lives,” says Ms. Hall. Joining Amanda on the Board of Trustees will be Dr Ric Whetstone and Mr. Reon Barnard.

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