Our market share reports covering US sales through the month of January and YTD 2023 for equipment categories are now out.
Total equipment sales were down 12.9% for January, with Distance Devices (-21.2%) and Shoes (-19.4%) feeling the most pain.
Balls held level with 2022 levels while gloves and wedges were both down slightly.
On the latest numbers, GDT co-founder John Krzynowek said, “January ’23 was a continuation of what we saw in the fourth quarter of ’22, with significant headwinds, such as inflation, asset value declines, and the threat of an impending recession impacting woods, irons, putters, bag and shoe sales. At the same time, ball and gloves – products that correlate more closely with levels of play and are lower in cost – held close to level.
People continue to ask how are we doing compared to pre-pandemic levels, and the answer is VERY WELL. Total equipment sales are 51% higher than January of 2019, and this most recent January is the third largest January ever. So, while we are not at the levels of a few years ago, we remain substantially elevated from historic levels”.
Existing subscribers can access reports for balls, irons and woods by going to www.gdtreports.com
For more on Golf Datatech’s insights into the golf industry visit www.golfdatatech.com
Jules Appleby | Marketing Consultant
Tel 07968 508856 paperclipmarketing.co.uk