Industry News

Spring bounce for golf balls

The Golf Datatech Retail Market Update reports covering US sales through the month of March and total 2023 for Balls, Irons, Putters, Shoes, Wedges, Woods are now available.

Total March 2023 Equipment Retail Sales (On-Off Course)
On-Off Course March ’23 vs ’22: Dollars -3.0%On-Off Course March ’23 vs ’19: Dollars +29.5%On-Off Course YTD ’23 vs ’22: Dollars -5.6%On-Off Course YTD ’23 vs ’19: Dollars +36.0%


Total golf equipment sales were down 3% for the month of March and remain 5.6% behind 2023 on a year-to-date basis.

Current year sales remain 36% ahead of 2019 levels, indicating golf sales remain highly elevated

Eight out of nine categories declined while golf ball sales skyrocketed (+22.5%)

On the latest numbers, co-founder John Krzynowek commented: “While it is a positive that total equipment sales were down only 3% vs. ‘23, it may take another month or two for longer term trends to firm up. 

Sales in every category, other than golf balls, were down in March vs. a year ago. Golf ball sales benefitted from a return of spring promotional activity, designed to front load the golf bags, closets and garages of golfers across the United States with their favorite brands of balls and preparing them for a long season ahead”. 

For the past few years, these promotional activities were limited due to a lack of product availability, but the spigot was turned back on in the spring of ’23 and stimulated demand.  How that demand levels out will potentially have a major impact on ball sales for Q2.

For more information on Golf Datatech’s market research visit
