Industry News

Second largest February for golf equipment

Out this week, the latest retail sales data for golf equipment in the US shows a strong start to the year with total equipment sales gaining almost 3% for the month and up +1.4% on a YTD basis.

US February 2024 Retail Total Equipment Market (On-Off Course)

On-Off Course February ’24 vs ’23: Dollars +2.9%
On-Off Course February ’24 vs ’19: Dollars +39.1%

On-Off Course YTD ’24 vs ’23: Dollars +1.4%
On-Off Course YTD ’24 vs ’19: Dollars +43.7%


In February, there were improvements across six out of nine categories vs the same month in 2023, with Putters leading (+10.4% in dollars) while the Shoes category was the biggest laggard (-11.3%).

Notably, compared to 2019 (pre-pandemic), sales were up 39% for the month and 44% YTD.

On the latest news, Golf Datatech co-founder John Krzynowek said,

“February 2024 was the second largest February for golf retail ever in the US: less than 1% below the previous high set in 2022.

Improved weather helped drive consumables (balls and gloves), while golf clubs got a tailwind from successful new product launches in 2024, combined with a relatively low comp sales period in the first two months of 2023.

As we head into the season, golf retail is set up for a solid year, however it is worth mentioning that the first two months of the year only represent about 10% of total golf equipment sales.”

If you would like to find out more about Golf Datatech’s market research, and how this can help your business to plan and succeed, please visit our contact page here.
