Title: Director of Golf Instruction, Ocean Course at Hokuala,
Lihue, Hawaii.
Years as a PGA Professional: 25.
Top achievements / honors: Aloha Section PGA 2001 Youth Player Development Award (1998, 2001).
Instagram: @kelliehinesgolf
What app is a must-have on your phone? Spotify for music, podcasts and audiobooks.
What book(s) would you recommend? "Free to Focus" by Michael Hyatt, and "Be a Player" and "Every Shot Must Have a Purpose" by Pia Nilsson and Lynn Marriott.
What podcast(s) would you recommend? Too many to list. I like "Happy & Healthy with Jeanine Amapola" and "The School of Greatness" with Lewis Howes.
Who is your favorite golfer? My mom. She loved to play golf.
What is your most memorable round of golf? Playing my 15th [PGA of America] Playing Ability Test with my dad caddying for me and I'm eight months pregnant with my 3rd child. I passed.
The First Call: What made you want to pursue a career in golf?
Kellie Hines: Liked the working environment, being outside and meeting people.
TFC: What is your favorite instructional tip to share with a golfer?
KH: Hold your finish ... piko [the navel in Hawaiian] to the target.
TFC: What advice do you have for someone considering a career in golf?
KH: There are all different facets of the golf business. From playing with water, sand and soil, to merchandise buyer, food and beverage possibilities, teaching the game, working in the golf shop as part of the sales team, driving golf carts. The best part is meeting people from around the world.
TFC: What is the best advice you have received on your career path?
KH: I didn't get much advice, but I worked under amazing golf professionals. They walked the walk and were role models for me.
It was by their actions and what they valued was my biggest take away.
TFC: Is there a particular area of your job that you find most rewarding? If so, please explain.
KH: Working with juniors is always an adventure. But it's the adult who has never played before. They get so excited when they make contact with the ball. Puts a smile on my face.
TFC: What is one challenge you currently see in the industry? Thoughts on how to address it?
KH: The length of the course being too long for the new golfer. Funny, we need to build longer courses for the PGA Tour. But for the average golfer, playing a course that they can reach in regulation and making more pars, birdies to encourage them to continue to play the game.
I'm a big fan of Operation 36, let's get more new golfers on the course playing from a shorter yardage and moving back once they feel comfortable and confident.
TFC: Do you have a preferred style or philosophy for teaching golf?
KH: Love teaching from the golf hole and working back. I believe in teaching in a group environment and getting the student their desired golf results.
TFC: Where is there room for growth within the industry?
KH: Teaching in a group environment, moving away from private individual golf lessons. We learn to play other sports in a group, so why not golf?
Students want to play more with their PGA Golf Professional. I started doing this after taking an amazing course with RGX Coaching. It's changed my life.
TFC: When you look at your career, in what area(s) do you believe you have evolved for the better? And how so?
KH: I always thought I would end my career being the Head Golf Professional. When I was asked to take the role of teaching, I was hesitant. I've become a better coach than I thought I could be. I owe God all the glory for the gifts that he has given to me.
How does being a PGA Professional add value to your brand?
KH: Being a PGA Member has brought value to the property by being knowledgeable in the golf business. We are the experts.