Question of the week [January 22-28]: If you could invent one item that would either improve your game or your golf experience, what would it be?
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It would have to be a time machine which would take me back to when I could make a full backswing and follow through with no stiffness or pain. Back to where a 7-iron sailed 160 yards to the green and took two hops and checked up with just a touch of backspin. Back when I could stand over a 4-foot putt without the yips so bad that my opponents would say “I’ll give you the next one.” Back when a 1-iron would proudly be displayed as part of my 14 clubs in my bag. Ahhh, as Archie Bunker would say “Those were the days.” At least, that’s the way I see it.
Paul Vicary
The Villages, Florida
Wondering when we will be able to find our golf ball using our smartphones.
Topgolf uses Rain RFIF chips and fixed readers near the "targets." While it would be easy for manufacturers to include Rain RFID chips in their golf balls, I believe the missing technology is being able to use your smartphone as the reader.
You can currently use a battery pack-sized reader that can connect to the smartphone. When this technology is included in the smartphone, along with GPS, then it will greatly speed up finding your ball. Might also be able to show you Toptracer type information.
Mark Chatfield
Houston, Texas
I have struggled with "flipping" the golf club for probably 20 years. I have tried many different ways to stop this, but to no avail. I believe I'm losing 15 yards on most irons and more on the driver and 3-wood. I can't be alone.
Can't there be a way to specifically modify clubs so that at impact your flip becomes good contact? With all the technology seemingly available, how about helping the probably tens of thousands of amateurs who have this issue.
Stan Theman
Darien, Illinois
The First Call invites reader comment. Write to editor Stuart Hall at shall@buffalogroupe.com. Your name and city of residence is necessary to be considered for publication. If your comment is selected for publication, The First Call will contact you to verify the authenticity of the email and confirm your identity. We will not publish your email address. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and brevity.