Each section of The First Call has been curated to provide the best (and quickest) overview of the golf industry. We break down the newsletter section by section, so you can see the value behind every feature.
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Header: The First Call's logo and branding.
Sponsored By: Our partners can sponsor each send.
Featured Editorial: The main story of the day, or your company overview - "Go Deep with Your Company."
Featured Advertisement: This top ad placement pairs with the Sponsored By section above.
Featured Interviews: Many editions will feature Q&As with various leaders of our industry. "Cup of Joe," fronted by former PGA of America President Joe Steranka, will run on Mondays and feature an interview with a fellow golf executive. Other Q&A interviews will run later in the week as part of a series called "Get to Know."
Did You Know?: A quick fact, figure or piece of data that might surprise you, from Longitudes Group. Some facts will include links to Longitude's deeper reporting, when applicable.
Industry News: Here, members of our Press Release Program post their latest news. An added bonus is having press releases appear at the top of the section with a corresponding photo.
Rounds & Weather: A weekly feature, with data from our partners at GolfNow, that offers 2-3 quick data points on how weather is affecting the golf business in different areas of the country.
News Ticker: A snapshot of other news and notes, gathered by our editors.
Employment: A jobs board for the industry, where we highlight 4-5 jobs that catch our eye. Advertisers can have their job featured as the "Cool Job" called out in the separate box.
Employment: Some inspirational words on business, success or life in general.
Read, Watch, Listen: A few extras our editors are reading, watching or hearing.
Partner Content/Featured Content: Another advertising opportunity for a sponsor. This section also serves as an "In Case You Missed It" area for original news and features we'd like to continue highlighting.
Calendar: Notable industry events on the docket.
Footer: Contact us for more.